Buying Real Estate Can Be A Great Way To Generate Income And Wealth

Investing in real estate can be one of the most rewarding ways to build wealth. Buying an investment property requires a substantial set of skills across many industries. Compare Financials will work for you to realise your dream, from start to finish.

Ready to Invest

we’ve made investing in real estate more accessible by offering thousands of investment property mortgages across Australia. Our team of experienced brokers will work closely with you throughout the entire process to ensure you get the right loan at the lowest possible interest rate.

How much can you borrow?

There are a lot of factors that determine how much you can borrow. Some of those factors include your current financial situation, whether you have enough saved up to pay down any existing debts, how much money you've spent on nonessential items, and your monthly spending habits. Then, subtract your total expenses from your total income.

Getting home loan pre-approval

First time buyers may not realize that getting a home loan pre-approvals is a great way to save money down the road. By getting a pre-approval, you'll know exactly how much money you can spend on a property without worrying about whether or not you qualify for a loan. You won't waste any time searching for homes that you can't afford.

Our Process

1. Apply online

Our loan application process is completely digital. You can apply for a mortgage online at any time, day or night.All you have to do is click the button below, enter your personal information, and submit.

3. Goodbye paperwork!

Applying for a mortgage is not the easiest task ever. There are tons of paperwork involved. By eliminating paperwork and unnecessary information, we were able to provide a better experience for applicants.

3. Settle & save

To avoid paying exorbitant interest rates and fees on your mortgage, try to settle within weeks after closing. You'll pay less in interest charges and fees if you close well before the end of the month.

Why you should choose Compare Financials

Investing in real estate isn’t for everyone. But if you have some money saved up and want to make a profit, investing in real estate may be just what you’ve been searching for. 

There are many ways to invest in real estate, including purchasing rental properties, flipping houses, buying off the plan and more.

Our mortgage experts can help you determine which option makes sense for you based on your situation.

We ensure you get the best rate available.

Average interest rates for investment properties can serve as a good starting point when looking for loan options. Compare multiple offers from our partner banks and our brokers to ensure you get the best rate available.

Need some help?

Our team of experts can assist you with all aspects of buying a home including mortgage advice, property valuations and more. We assist 24/7 via phone, chat and email so there’s no waiting around when you need us.


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